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On this page we'll list and describe the different consulting services we provide.

aitusa Care Highlights

Global Solutions: All we do is implement projects in developing countries. We know the issues, and we know how to manage the risks of implementing projects overseas.

Accountability: We provide a single source for computer purchases, custom integration, and third-party peripherals. This helps companies ensure that their corporate systems are configured consistently every time a unit is ordered. With aitusa, there is only one vendor involved, and only one place to call. Our ECommerce service is useful tool for developing hardware and software budgets and for on-line ordering.

Quality and Reliability: As all integration is done with brand names components, aitusa can produce customized systems quickly and efficiently while maintaining a high standard of quality. This insure to our clients that their equipment will be compatible, reliable, scalable, capable of integration and that system support will always be available.

Here are some of the advantages our firm offers:

Service: aitusa can install your equipment on-site, train the end users, and maintain the installation locally through our Support Network. All of that in the local language. Our on-site warranty service provides you with the guaranty that your project can be technologically sustainable in the future and provide long term continuity for maturing projects.

american information technologies international
1415 Highway 85N, Suite 310/368, Atlanta, GA 30214
